Occupational Therapy

The OT team consists of two full-time and two part-time therapists. Our role is to enable student’s access to the curriculum and we work collaboratively with teaching staff and parents to achieve this.

To promote the students’ learning, we use a range of programs and therapeutic approaches including: the Alert Program (for regulation), Sensory Integration approach , Video Modelling, Play-based learning, Fine Motor program, Alternate access (ICT, and switching) SOS feeding program, task break-down and backward chaining. A large focus is on activities of daily living (toileting, mealtimes, and dressing skills).

We work within the classroom environment throughout the school day addressing individual learning goals within group sessions. During class time we work within the curriculum. At mealtimes we focus on mealtime skills and toileting. We also help students during transition times and on the playground.

When appropriate, we liaise with external therapists and agencies to support student’s medical or self-care/home needs.

Our collaborative teaming promotes a holistic approach and fosters the student’s learning and independence during their time at school.